Portable Youtube-DL-Gui 1.35 (x64)


Youtube-DL-Gui Portable is a a graphical user interface to download video/audio from youtube, twitch and many other sites. It is powered by youtube-dl. This can be used to download music/audio/videos. You have the options to download entire playlists, download videos and/or audio only. If using the audio only options you are able to encode the audio on the fly to a different codec of your choice or download it directly without re-encoding.
What’s NEW:
  • Fixed a small bug with displaying update information when updating youtube-dl
  • Program now makes root transparent when you update youtube-dl.exe, until it’s done and then brings it back to full transparency
  • Moved the “old” view formats button in the tools menu bar now, this works like the older button ‘Show All Formats’ worked
  • I’ve set ‘Best Video + Audio Single File’ to be default now, so the program will automatically download the best video/audio file of any link you put in there (can still change it like before)
  • I’ve added a new feature, you can now select custom options for your video/audio in the “Custom Download’ window
  • After pasting your link/adding it to the program like normal, you can select the new button, a window will pop up allowing the user to select which ever audio+video quality they want, pressing start will open the prompt to choose where to download and then it works as normal like before, it will download the video you selected, followed by the audio, then mux them together into an .mkv file


Download Youtube-DL-Gui Portable

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Mirror – 52.6 MB

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