Portable WinClean 1.3.1




WinClean Portable is s system optimization utility accessible to any type of user, whose scope is to help users customize their Windows machine in a more thorough manner, with the goal of increasing its performance.

Surprisingly accessible
As stated before, this tool seeks to offer a means for any user to get more out of their system, no matter if they’re power users or otherwise. The focus on accessibility is evident from the beginning, as the program makes an effort to explain what each option does, helping nudge the user in the right direction.

Three overarching categories are presented within a practical interface: duties related to system maintenance, debloating, and customization can be carried out by the software. All the end user needs to do is select the relevant options for their machine, and click Execute scripts, after which the program will commence the optimization process.

As such, users can rid their disk of junk files, clear the event logs, disable any ads in the Windows interface, as well as Microsoft’s telemetry services, remove Cortana, disable the Xbox services, and so on. These are only a few of the available options, but they manage to encompass what the tool is capable of doing.

Multiple ways to run the same scripts
At its core, the tool is a GUI for a series of scripts, and these scripts can be run in a few different ways: through Batch, PowerShell, and Registry Editor. You don’t have to concern yourself with this if you don’t want to, however, as the tool does well to provide for itself when it comes to this matter.

Users can also run any custom scripts they have through the Add scripts button, which can help make the tweaking process all the more efficient for power users.

Helps your computer perform
WinClean is a tool that may be of use to more than a few users: it explains what each option does to help ease one into the process, and it’s also quite a versatile program overall, thanks to the numerous functions in the interface.

What’s New:


  • Added script execution icon for skipped scripts
  • Asynchronous script loading
  • Clicking the Stop button during script execution now closes the wizard
  • Improved script execution icons
  • More logging
  • No more incompatible script warning message when no script is selected
  • Proper pluralization in UI texts
  • Restored administrator permissions requirement as a temporary workaround for managing script permission requirements until a better solution is found

New features

  • Added a Report issue… menu item to the Help menu
  • Added a setting to force execution of effective scripts
  • Copy from the script output text box
  • Scripts are now highlighted based on their safety level in the script execution wizard, like in the main window
  • The wizard title bar close button is no longer disabled during script execution


  • Added a script action execution ordering system. Each script action is associated to an integer order (0 by default). They are executed in ascending order.
  • Added script “Disable UAC prompt desktop dimming”
  • Added script “Run Service Pack cleanup”
  • Added source and license URLs where appropriate as a temporary workaround for referencing script source, license and author and respecting copyright until a better solution is found. More information in the Scripts wiki page.
  • Added verbose output arguments where relevant
  • Fixed script “Disable delivery optimization”
  • Fixed script “Remove Cortana”
  • Fixed script “Restore classic Windows Photo Viewer”: fixed detection
  • Improved script “Delete junk files” : no longer tries to delete folders
  • Improved script “Remove Microsoft Edge”: removed useless 3 second timeout
  • Improved script “Remove useless apps” : added more apps and indicated which apps are deleted in the description
  • Improved script “Schedule Check Disk utility”: now works with all volumes
  • Removed script “Remove Microsoft Print to PDF”
  • Scripts actions can now have a list of successful exit codes. Those are the exit codes of the host process to consider successful. Only 0 is considered successful by default.
  • Scripts are now executed with the “High” process priority class


  • Fixed del command in Batch scripts prompting for confirmation causing some scripts to never terminate
  • Fixed aborting a script after its completion causing an unhandled exception
  • Fixed assertions on expressions with side effects not executing in release mode causing scripts not to be removed properly
  • Fixed concurrency issues caused by scripts that output a lot of text quickly
  • Fixed Dism capability removal scripts causing HRESULT 0x800f0806 errors for other scripts. They are now executed after all the others.
  • Fixed Dism capability removal scripts prompting for confirmation to restart causing them to never terminate
  • Fixed estimated and measured execution times for individual scripts and for the whole execution being wrong or inaccurate
  • Fixed execution time still being measured when a script is paused
  • Fixed globalization issue that caused XML localized strings to be looked up under the wrong culture
  • Fixed script execution cancellation causing exceptions
  • Fixed scripts which haven’t been affected a capability (for example, when they haven’t been yet shown in the UI) not being selected properly
  • Fixed update check causing an unhandled exception when not connected to the Internet



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