Portable ProcessKO 5.78



ProcessKO Portable is a small, helpful tool for quickly killing current or hanging processes or programs for all Windows computers and laptops. Terminate active processes or schedule them for later termination, as well as create a favorites list for fast access using this portable tool.

ProcessKO is a seemingly simple yet powerful application that enables you to terminate currently running processes that no longer respond to commands without administrative privileges. It lets you mark favorite processes for quick access.

Portability advantages

Since this is a portable product, installation is not a prerequisite. It means that you can just drop the executable file on any location of the hard drive and run it directly, as well as save ProcessKO to a USB flash drive to launch it on any PC easily. Plus, the registry’s settings remain altered.

Terminate processes now or schedule them

The tool is packed in a standard interface with a plain layout, where you can kill any active process with one click, as well as create a favorites list with any of the currently running processes or custom apps installed on the disk.

Furthermore, it’s possible to set schedule an app to terminate at a specific time when you’re away from the computer for example, provided that you enter expert mode. You can make the main frame stay on top of other windows, minimize it to the system tray area, and activate a power option, like shutdown, log off, or restart.


Key features:

◆ Creation of favorite KO’s
◆ Administrative mode
◆ Adjustable time interval for process terminate
◆ Kill with a shortcut
◆ … etc

Other options and specifications
◆ Very small program
◆ Low CPU usage
◆ Optional translation function
◆ Portable
◆ Multilanguage

Why schedule programs?

Sometimes it is always the same APPs and programs that hang, which is why ProcessKO has a helpful function: creating favorite KO’s!

Especially as a developer or beta tester you know the problem: It takes time until you have called the task manager and found the process and activated the “end process” command.

With ProcessKO it is much faster and the Windows program can also restart immediately from here. You can save both a few steps and time here! ProcessKO does not have to be installed, can be started comfortably from the desktop without installation and the program is very small, it is ideally suited for portable use on a USB stick.

The design of Process KO!

Process KO is simple and easy to use. I didn’t want to publish a program here that takes part in beauty contests either! The very small program size also makes it very interesting and above all it leads you quickly to your goal and in this case it is the termination of hanging programs and APPs that may cost you nerves and system resources

The ease of use

When you start Process KO for the first time on your PC, you will see a license on the screen. ProcessKO is of course free of charge and the license information is only displayed once (per PC). You can choose whether the user interface is displayed in German or English.

The processes are added via “drag and drop”, or via the file path selection dialog, and also via the selection of the currently active programs. Quick closing and restarting of the programs via the program symbols in “ProcessKO”, or the “System Tray” menu in the Windows task bar.



Download ProcessKO portable

Download – 291 KB

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