Portable RAMMon 2.0.1000
RAMMon Portable is an easy to use Windows based application that allows users to quickly retrieve the Serial Presence Detect (SPD) data from their RAM modules. It will allow users to identify a multitude of attributes, of which, includes the manufacturer, the clockspeed and other data of their DDR2, DDR3, XMP and EPP memory devices and…
PowerPoint – Change Fonts on All Slides
You have a PowerPoint presentation where you want to change font from the classic Times New Roman or the default Calibri to something like Tahoma or Bookman Old Style or whatever? Normally you would have to do it manually on tens of slides and for each text box.
Windows – Shortcut to Change Monitor Timeout Settings
Make two shortcuts on your Desktop in order to change monitor timeout or put computer to sleep after a preferred number of minutes, then switch back to previous setting just as easy. Opening Power Plan settings not required.
Portable GFX Memory Speed Benchmark
GFX Memory Speed Benchmark is a lightweight application that allows users to keep track of their computer's performance regarding GFX and RAM read and write speeds in an easy way. All options are on a single screen, making the application easy to use.
Portable Malware Effects Remediation Tool 3.2
The Malware Effects Remediation Tool is designed to be simple to use. It has a single-window interface with ten different fixes. Each fix has an action button that may be used to apply or launch it. It will alert you via a pop-up warning if you attempt to run a remedy that isn't appropriate, such as Re-enable Registry. It will also advise…
Windows – Make a Folder or File Open when You Log Into Windows
If you have a script you want to run at startup, a file you want to open (eg. to serve as a reminder for something), an application that doesn't offer an option to add it to startup, or simply a folder you want to open next time you log into Windows, here is the simplest way to do it.