Portable Bulk Crap Uninstaller 5.5 Multilingual




Bulk Crap Uninstaller Portable is a free (as in speech) program uninstaller. It excels at removing large amounts of applications with minimal user input. It can clean up leftovers, detect orphaned applications, run uninstallers according to premade lists, and much more! Even though BCU was made with IT pros in mind, by default it is so straight-forward that anyone can use it effortlessly!

Bulk Crap Uninstaller is a very useful and reliable software solution whose main aim resides in helping you remove programs from your computer as fast as possible, going through all the steps in a fraction of the time it would take to do manually.

User-friendly and practical looks

Appearance-wise, the application looks quite simple and straightforward, much of its functionality being sufficiently clear to pose minimal difficulty for novices.

Nonetheless, Bulk Crap Uninstaller also offers more advanced functions, which allow experienced individuals to make the most of what it has to offer.

Swiftly remove multiple programs at once

When launching the utility, it will take a moment to populate the list of installed applications, allowing you to even ‘Show Protected Items’ or ‘Show System Components’. Alternately, you can hide items developed by Microsoft.

The entries can be listed or grouped alphabetically and you can choose to select the programs you wish to uninstall through check boxes, to make sure you do not remove something that you need.

After selecting the items you want to get rid of, you can click on the ‘Uninstall’ or the ‘Quiet Uninstall’ option in the window’s interface. However, the latter option will only function for software that feature this type of uninstallers.

Once the regular uninstallation commences, you will be required to provide the normal confirmations, specific to such operations, but the entire task will proceed significantly faster than if it were done by hand, so you can remove all unwanted programs more quickly.

A handy software remover for you to try

In conclusion, Bulk Crap Uninstaller is an effective and intuitive tool that can assist you in removing large amounts of software from your PC, speeding up the operation and enabling you to get it done in no time.

Why should I use this uninstaller instead of any other?

While it is true that there are many different uninstall managers out there, only few come close to the detection rate and versatility of Bulk Crap Uninstaller, When compared to the stock windows uninstall manager you might find that BCU will show many times more applications.
To top it off, BCU is fully free and open source. You can freely modify it to suit your needs, or even better help improve it for the rest of its users!

Why Bulk Crap Uninstaller? Surely there are better names?

Out of all of its features, the ability to uninstall massive numbers of applications automatically is what defines BCU. Because of this it is one of the best tools for cleaning up long-running or pre-installed systems from, crapware, malware and other junk.
Most of the basic uninstall managers simply miss this feature. Others require you to sit through the full process or use unsupported methods of uninstallation. With BCU you will have to be present only at the beginning of the process while uninstallers that can not be ran quietly are executed.


In its basic form BCU is easy to use by most users, but it also has tools useful for power users, system admins and developers. Some of the most notable features of Bulk Crap Uninstaller:

Very thorough installed application detection

BCUninstaller can detect, manage and uninstall applications from the following sources:

  • Normal registered applications (same as Programs and Features and many other uninstallers)
  • Hidden/protected registered applications
  • Applications with damaged or missing uninstallers
  • Portable applications (looks in common locations and on portible drives, configurable)
  • Chocolatey packages
  • Oculus games/apps
  • Steam games/apps
  • Windows Features
  • Windows Store apps (Universal Windows Platform apps)
  • Windows Updates Applications from all of these sources are threated the same – you can filter, export and automatically uninstall them in the same way.

Fast, automatic uninstall

The main feature of BCUninstaller is its ability to fully or nearly fully automate the process of uninstalling multiple applications. BCU always attempts to use the application’s original uninstaller to avoid issues found in uninstall managers that blindly remove files to achieve uninstall automation (e.g. failing to unregister context menu entries or services).

  • Uninstall any number of applications in a single batch
  • Minimal to no user input is required during uninstallation
  • Uninstall multiple items at once to speed up the process (with collision prevention)
  • Console interface can automatically uninstall applications based on conditions with no user input
  • Quietly uninstall many uninstallers that don’t support silent uninstallation
  • Uninstall applications even if they don’t have any uninstallers
  • Uninstall applications by window, shortcut or directory
  • Can handle crashing and hanging uninstallers

Other features

While detection and uninstallation are the two main features of BCU that receive the most focus, it also has many useful tools built on top of that framework.

  • Find and remove leftovers after uninstallation
  • Clean Program Files directories from unused or empty folders
  • Manually uninstall any application, bypasing it’s uninstaller (Force uninstall)
  • Startup manager
  • Application ratings
  • Huge amount of data about applications is collected and displayed. User can freely browse, filter and export everything
  • Filtering with common presets or based on fully custom rules with Regex support
  • Verification of uninstaller certificates
  • Large amount of configurability
  • Can run user-specified commands before and after uninstalling
  • Can run on .Net 4.0 or newer, or, if not available, on .Net 3.5 with reduced functionality (will work on Windows 7 or newer with no updates installed)
  • Fully portable, settings are saved to a single file

BCU is translated to Arabic, Czech, Dutch, English, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Polish, Portuguese (Brazil and Portugal), Russian, Slovenian and Spanish at the moment of writing this.

Release Notes:

  • Fix typo GenerateMissingInformation
  • Update Scoop support
  • More Dutch translation improvements.
  • Added “Double click in application list action” setting under Interface
  •  Look for Steam App leftovers in some of Steam’s temp folders
  • Fixed “Clear cache” button not being visible in some languages
  • Fixed window targeting crashing if BCU runs as 32bit but targeted process is 64bit
  • Fixed rare OutOfRange crash in first start wizard
  • Fixed crash during junk scan on some corrupted/malformed uninstaller data in registry
  • Fixed crash when trying to Rename but nothing is checked on the list
  • Fixed list refresh crash after Scoop or Steam was uninstalled, or one of BCU’s uninstall helper apps was removed
  • Fixed startup crash on systems with no accessible network interfaces
  •  Fixed CreateHandle crash when uninstall progress window is closed at a bad time
  • Fixed list refresh crash after uninstalling Chocolatey
  • Fixed InvalidOperationException startup crash on systems with unusual DPI
  • Fixed cached uninstall string being used instead of the latest uninstall string in some cases
  • Fixed Steam apps not being listed if any app has “error” in its name
  • Fixed launcher not working in very deep folder paths



Download Bulk Crap Uninstaller Portable

Download – 122.9 MB

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